6 Tips to Help Improve Your Dexterity

September 13th, 2022

As we age, many functions that we took for granted start to become more difficult. Our bodies wear down and it can be hard to perform even small tasks that we always have been able to do.

One of the bigger issues people find is that their fingers don’t do what we tell them to. Even trying to do up buttons or tie our shoelaces can be more difficult as we age.

Our hands and fingers, just like anything else, need to be used and moved to keep them in motion. Hand dexterity means independence. This is very important as we age.

How to Improve Your Dexterity

Practice Handwriting

Many people of a certain age never used a computer or keyboard. Handwriting has rapidly gone out of fashion. If you have kids or grandkids that don’t know cursive handwriting, teach them.

You can practice your own penmanship skills and teach the younger ones, as well. Try writing cursive and printing, and why not drop a line or two to an old friend who would likely be thrilled to receive a handwritten letter in the mail?

Knitting or Crocheting

Your fingers can get a real workout when you sew, knot or crochet. It requires fine movements and control. It gives all the muscles in your hands a chance to get moving and be in use.

Of course, you can make some beautiful items, as well. Embroidery, knitting and crocheting clothes and other articles can bring great rewards. Give them to your family and friends as gifts they will cherish for many years to come.

Cards and Board Games

Rolling dice, moving little men, and shuffling and dealing cards are other great ways to improve your dexterity. It requires fine-tuning to maneuver little men around the board, shuffle cards, and even pick up small items.

It’s a great way to engage with friends and family. These activities keep your brain sharp, too. Jigsaw puzzles are a great way to keep many skills sharp, not just your fingers.

Learn Sign Language

You don’t need to be fluent, just learn the ASL alphabet. It requires much dexterity to move from one letter to the next. It’s a fun way to engage with people and learn a new skill.

You can take a class with friends or family, or learn by yourself online. You can practice it any time you like and may even be able to communicate with someone who is non-verbal.

Take Up a Musical Instrument

Learning how to play the piano, guitar, or even a flute that requires finger work can make a huge improvement in your dexterity. It might even be rather enjoyable.

You can find cheap instruments almost everywhere and you can sign up for a class. It’s a great way to meet people, or, you can watch free videos online to learn how to play almost anything

Computer and Video Games

Using a keyboard or a game controller takes many hand and finger skills. Some of them require you to be very fast, as well. There are plenty of games you can play for free on your computer.

You can do jigsaw puzzles online, crossword, hidden object games, and many more. You can take your time, enjoy yourself, and even challenge people online to play with you.

Improving Your Dexterity

If your fingers and hands are becoming stiff, keep using them. It’s a great way to keep your hands functioning and remain independent for as long as you can. There are plenty of other arts and crafts projects you can do, too, like string beads, painting, and drawing.