Linear PERS Setup Guide

Setting Up Your System

Set up your unit in a centrally located place in your home. This allows the two-way communication between you and the operator to work most effectively. Determine the type of phone you have and reference the appropriate set-up for proper installation:

Landline or Cable Phone Service

  1. Locate your phone cord that extends from the wall jack to your phone. Unplug the end currently in your phone and plug it into the unit’s adapter in the WALL JACK port.
  2. Connect your phone to the unit’s adapter in the port labeled PHONE using the provided phone cord.
  3. Plug the power cube into an electrical outlet that is not controlled by a light switch.
  4. Turn the unit on its side and locate the ON/OFF switch, which is found in the hole under the phone cords. The ON/OFF lever has a white dot on the end. Slide the switch to the ON position.

Landline or Cable Phone Service with an Answering Machine

  1. Locate your phone cord that extends from the wall jack to your phone. Unplug the end currently in your phone and plug it into the unit’s adapter in the WALL JACK port.
  2. Connect your phone to the unit’s adapter in the port labeled PHONE using the provided phone cord.
  3. Plug the power cube into an electrical outlet that is not controlled by a light switch.
  4. Turn the unit on its side and locate the ON/OFF switch, which is found in the hole under the phone cords. The ON/OFF lever has a white dot on the end. Slide the switch to the ON position.

Active Telephone Jack Only – No Phone

  1. Locate your phone cord that extends from the wall jack to your phone. Unplug the end currently in your phone and plug it into the unit’s adapter in the WALL JACK port.
  2. Plug the power cube into an electrical outlet that is not controlled by a light switch.
  3. Turn the unit on its side and locate the ON/OFF switch, which is found in the hole under the phone cords. The ON/OFF lever has a white dot on the end. Slide the switch to the ON position.

Testing Your System

  1. From your home phone, call 1-800-332-8570 to put your account in Test Mode. Follow the voice prompts to put your account on Test for 15 minutes, and then hang up your phone.
  2. Press your neck pendant or wrist button. The unit will announce “emergency” several times.
  3. The Home Test Line will verify your address and let you know the signal was received. When prompted, say your name aloud without picking up your phone. A recording of what was heard will be repeated.

If the Home Test Line does not respond, if you do not hear your voice repeated, or if you experience any problems with your testing, please call 1-800-906-0872 for assistance.

Test Your System Monthly Using the Automated Test Line!

Using Your Device

Placing an Emergency Call

In the event of an emergency, press your neck or wrist button or the unit’s EMERGENCY button.

The operator will talk through the unit’s speaker and ask if you need help. If you cannot communicate with the emergency response center, help will be dispatched to the address on file.

Canceling an Emergency Call

If the emergency button is pressed accidentally, press the CLEAR button immediately. Pressing the CLEAR button will cancel an alarm in progress.

Optional Fall Detection Pendant

Fall Detection – How It Works

The Fall Detection Pendant only takes a few seconds to interpret the movement and determine if an actual fall has occurred. If a fall is determined, the pendant will send a signal to your device, which will initiate a call to the emergency response center, just as if you pressed your button. Remember, always press your button if able as some falls many not be detectable.

Canceling a False Alarm

Your device will announce, “Emergency”, just as if you had pressed your button. You can cancel the alarm using by pressing the CLEAR button on your unit OR wait for the emergency operator to come on the line and let them know it was a false alarm/test only. If you do not explain it is not an emergency, help will be dispatched.

Testing Your Fall Detection Pendant

From a standing position, toss the Fall Detection Pendant gently forward onto a bare floor. Listen for the device to sound and either speak to the emergency operator or cancel the alarm using the clear button on your console unit. For best testing results, test on a bare floor such as the kitchen or bathroom.

If you are interested in purchasing the Fall Detection service or wish to learn more, please call 800-800-4177.


Always press your button if you are able, as some falls may not be detectable.

Important Safety Information

  • Test your system once a month by using your transmitter buttons. If the Fall Detection Pendant light blinks rapidly or is not properly working, call 1-800-906-0872 for a new Pendant.
  • The signal distance from the Fall Detection Pendant to the device depends on the size, construction and environment in and outside your home.
  • Do not wear your Fall Detection Pendant while sleeping. Please wear your alternate button or keep your pendant near your bed.
  • The lanyard has been designed to break away when tugged however; the user can still suffer serious personal injury or death if the cord becomes entangled or stuck on objects.
  • Wear your Fall Detection Pendant at chest level with the emergency button facing forward.
  • Do not wear your Fall Detection Pendant while swimming or in a chlorinated pool.


What It Means: The unit is running on the backup battery.

What To Do: Check the power source to make sure it’s plugged into a wall outlet not controlled by a light switch which may be turned off.

What It Means:  The backup battery is recharging.

What To Do: Nothing. Let your unit battery recharge. This could take up to 2 days to fully charge and for light to turn steady.

What It Means: The unit is ready.

What To Do: Nothing.

What It Means: The unit is ready.

What To Do: Nothing.

What It Means: Low battery in wrist or neck button

What To Do: Call 1-800-906-0872 to replace your button.

What It Means: The unit is ready.

What To Do: Nothing.

What It Means:  The unit is placing a call to the emergency response center. This could be due to an automated test or if you pushed your emergency button for help.

What To Do: Nothing.

Important Information

  • Your wrist and neck buttons are waterproof* and should be worn in the bath or shower
  • Your Medical Alert account number is printed on your medical alarm unit.
  • During a power outage, the backup battery on the base unit will last up to 30 hours on a fully charged unit.
  • Cordless phone users must plug into the main base, not a satellite base. The base must be a minimum of 12” from the unit to prevent blocking of signals.
  • DSL users must have a DSL filter plugged into the phone jack the unit will be plugged into. If you don’t have a DSL filter, you can get one from your phone service provider.
  • Pendant lanyards are designed to breakaway under certain conditions; however, any cord worn around the neck can pose a risk of strangulation, including the possibility of serious injury or death.