How to Setup a Medical Alert System

Once you’ve chosen your Medical Alert system, set-up is super easy—often taking a matter of minutes on your end. Once installed, the sense of security is instantaneous. With the home system, for instance, it helps know the range signal is at least the length of a football field. “Straying” from the base unit isn’t likely unless you live in the Taj Mahal. And with the mobile system, knowing the operator can locate you wherever you bring calm to your life, even if you’re just at the supermarket two towns away.

To make set-up even more of a cinch, we spelled out the steps for you in this easy-to-follow format:

At-Home Landline

Here are the steps to take to set up your Home System – Landline system:

Before you begin, it’s important to determine the type of phone you have for proper installation: landline or cable phone service, landline or cable phone service with answering machine, or active telephone jack only. Once you’ve determined where your phone cord is:

  1. Unplug the cord from the back of your phone and plug it into the jack marked WALL JACK on the back of the base unit.
  2. Using the telephone cord provided in the box, connect one end to your phone and the other to the base unit’s PHONE port.
  3. Plug the base unit into an outlet not powered by a light switch.
  4. Turn the Medical Alert unit on its side and locate the “ON/OFF” switch, which is found in the hole under the phone cords. The “ON/OFF” lever has a white dot on the end. Slide the switch to the “ON” position.

At-Home No Landline

To set up your Home System – Celluar, follow these steps:

Before you begin, be sure to place the Medical Alert unit in a centrally located position in your home, bring the antenna upright to a vertical position, and securely tighten. Now you’re ready to set up your cellular-based system.

  1. Plug the power cube into an electric power outlet that is not controlled by a light switch. The unit will automatically turn on and announce, “System Initializing.” This process may take a few moments.

    Soon, the unit will announce its signal strength followed by either “System Ready” or “Insufficient Cell Service.” Keep in mind, the signal strength must be 2.5 bars or better. If the signal strength is insufficient, the console may not connect with the cellular company or function properly. Relocate the base unit to another location, wait 30 seconds, and press the RESET button. Repeat the process until signal strength is adequate.
  2. When it lights a steady GREEN, then your system is fully charged.
  3. Press your wrist, neck or wall button to test your device.

To make sure your No Landline Medical Alert system works throughout your home, it’s a good idea to call 1-800-332-8570 to put your system in TEST mode and conduct range tests. Have one person stay near the base unit while you walk around to different areas of your home to test the HELP button. If needed, relocate your Medical Alert base unit to eliminate any “dead zones” and conduct another range test.

On the Go

To set up an Mobile System, follow these steps:

  1. Plug the small end of the Power Cord into the back of the Charger Cradle.
  2. Plug the large end into a wall outlet not controlled by a light switch. The Cradle Power Light will illuminate GREEN.
  3. Place your On the Go system in the Charger Cradle. The Power Light and Signal Indicator Light will flash and your device will announce, “Your device is now charging.” Wait for your device to finish its announcement. The Signal Light will illuminate GREEN.
  4. Leave your device in the Cradle until it’s fully charged—about one hour.

Using Test Mode

Regardless of which system you choose, it’s always a good idea to put your system in test mode so you can familiarize yourself with it.

From your home or mobile phone, call 1-800-332-8570 and request to put your account in TEST mode. Follow the voice prompts and put your account on TEST for 15 minutes. Hang up the telephone. Press your wrist or pendant button. The Medical Alert unit will recognize your TEST signal and will verify that the signal was received.

Now that you have your own system set up, remember to test it every week. This also helps your mindset get used to the ease of using such a simple system in the event of an actual emergency. With the press of a button, voila, help is on the way. Even without pressing a button, help is on the way with the fall detection feature. This technology, housed in an extra button, works when someone falls and can’t press a button. Button or not, Medical Alert is easy-peasy. Just what you want when it truly matters.